The vision of a brand
Faith, imagination, feelings and character stands behind the brand 'ilona Hug'

The art designer has graduated at the renowned art school "SMA" (college of arts) in Santa Monica and has concentrated mostly on creating big pictures with flower subjects on oil and watercolour, photographs, sculptures and design.

After "SMA", she finished with honours at the "college for Design, Art and Architecture" (DAA), where she learnt to form creative sculpures from different materials like marble, glass and metal.

She studied Design, figure modelling and airbrush techniques. Ronn Davis, one of the best airbrush and colour artists was one of her mentors, aswell as George Herms, renowned sculptor and assemblage artist, just as Bob Cunningham, the sculptor who created the famous David sculpures at the Ceasar's Palace in Las Vegas. Since her graduation in 1998, ilona Hug works in many art fields, today mostly in design and interior design in Switzerland and other countries.

Her works of art has been sucessfully exhibited in art galleries, shopping malls in Switzerland and abroad.
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